Feeling Off-Track Post-Pandemic? You're Not Alone – Here's How to Reset
Aug 09, 2023
I bet many of you are sitting there, wondering if the post-pandemic funk you're feeling is just a phase. I've been there. We've all been there. Lately, I've been pondering happiness. I'm wondering if there is a way to bottle up some excess happiness and uncork it when the world feels a tad bit gray.
Ever had those moments at work where you’ve got to slap on a grin, even though inside you’re feeling like a Monday morning after a weekend of revelry? The groove's not there, but the show must go on. I get it. And lately, after the whole world turned upside down with the Covid pandemic, it feels like we've lost our mojo. Our inner compass seems a little off-kilter, doesn’t it?
But, before we get lost in this existential conversation, let’s navigate through this together.
Why The Blues Now?
The world outside is moving again. We're supposed to be back, right? But for many, it's like trying to dance with two left feet. As we're edging out of this pandemic, the shadows seem to be lingering a little longer than expected. We've changed. And sometimes, catching up with ourselves feels like chasing the wind.
Can We Bottle Up Happiness?
Imagine if every time we felt joy, love, or even that inexplicable lightness in our hearts, we could capture it. Store it away, not unlike those old mason jars grandma used to fill with sun-ripened tomatoes. And then, on a day when the skies are particularly gray, pop it open and let that sunshine out. While it's a beautiful thought, happiness, my friends, isn't quite as simple.
Yet, it's not all metaphors and cosmic musings. Here are three actionable tips to help you find that groove and shake off the funk:
- Nature's Remedy: Get outdoors. Connect with nature. Whether it's a walk in the park or a trip down to the beach, let Mother Earth work her magic. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the ground beneath your feet, and let yourself be present.
- Ride the Waves: Accept that it's okay not to be okay. Sometimes, it's about embracing the ebb and flow of life. Instead of bottling up the happiness, try bottling up the experiences, the lessons. They make for better stories anyway.
- Find Your Rhythm: Get back into a routine that feels good for you. Maybe it's a new hobby, morning yoga, or rediscovering music from the golden era. Find those beats that make your heart dance.
As the world is stitching itself back, remember, happiness isn’t a commodity we stock up. It's an experience. It's fleeting, but so are the storms. Here's hoping that as the days roll on, you'll find that the sun wasn’t gone—it was just waiting for its cue.
Stay groovy, folks, and just keep livin'.
Dr. Toni Bear
Certified Life and Sex Coach
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